Wednesday 11 November 2015

Our 9 Pillars

Our 9 Pillars

Pillar 1. Broadband Highways

Pillar 2. Universal Access to Mobile connectivity

Pillar 2. Universal Access to Mobile connectivity 

Pillar 3. Public Internet Access Programme – National Rural Internet Mission

Pillar 3. Public Internet Access Programme – National Rural Internet Mission 
  • Government Business Process Re-engineering using IT to improve transactions
    • Form Simplification, reduction
    • Online applications and tracking, Interface between departments
    • Use of online repositories e.g. school certificates, voter ID cards, etc.
    • Integration of services and platforms – UIDAI, Payment Gateway, Mobile Platform, EDI
  • Electronic Databases – all databases and information to be electronic, not manual
  • Workflow automation inside government
  • Public Grievance Redressal - using IT to automate, respond, analyse data to identify and resolve persistent problems – largely process improvements
  • To be implemented across government - critical for transformation

Technology for Education – e-Education

  • All Schools connected with broadband
  • Free wifi in all schools (250,000)
  • Digital Literacy program
  • MOOCs – develop pilot Massive Online Open Courses

Technology for Health – e-Healthcare

  • Online medical consultation
  • Online medical records
  • Online medicine supply
  • Pan-India exchange for patient information
  • Pilots – 2015; Full coverage in 3 years

Technology for Planning

  • GIS based decision making
  • National GIS Mission Mode Project

Technology for Farmers

  • Real time price information
  • Online ordering of inputs
  • Online cash, loan, relief payment with mobile banking

Technology for Security

  • Mobile Emergency Services

Technology for Financial Inclusion

  • Mobile Banking
  • Micro-ATM program
  • CSCs/ Post Offices

Technology for Justice & Security

  • e-Courts, e-Police, e-Jails, e-Prosecution
  • National Cyber Security Co-ordination Center

  • Online Hosting of Information & documents
    • Citizens have open, easy access to information
    • Open data platform
  • Government pro-actively engages through social media and web based platforms to inform citizens
    • 2-way communication between citizens and government
  • Online messaging to citizens on special occasions/programs
  • Largely utilise existing infrastructure – limited additional resources needed                                

Pillar 7. Electronics Manufacturing

  • Target NET ZERO Imports is a striking demonstration of intent
    • Ambitious goal which requires coordinated action on many fronts
    • Taxation, Incentives
    • Economies of Scale, Eliminate cost disadvantages
    • Focused areas – Big Ticket Items
      • FABS, Fab-less design, Set top boxes, VSATs, Mobiles, Consumer & Medical Electronics, Smart Energy meters, Smart cards, micro-ATMs
    • Incubators, clusters
    • Skill development
    • Government procurement
  • There are many ongoing programs which will be fine-tuned.
  • Existing Structures inadequate to handle this goal. Need strengthening
Pillar 8. IT for Jobs 

Pillar 9. Early Harvest Programmes

Pillar 9. Early Harvest Programmes

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