Monday 28 December 2015

Reliance Jio - 4G Internet


Reliance Jio promises to shape the future of India by providing end-to-end digital solutions for businesses, institutions and households and seamlessly bridging the rural-urban divide.
Home to the world’s second largest population of 1.2 billion, India is a young nation with 63% of its population under the age of 35 years. It has a fast growing digital audience with 800 million mobile connections and over 200 million internet users. Reliance thoroughly believes in India’s potential to lead the world with its capabilities in innovation. Towards that end, Reliance envisages creation of a digital revolution in India.
Reliance Jio aims to enable this transformation by creating not just a cutting-edge voice and broadband network, but also a powerful ecosystem on which a range of rich digital services will be enabled – a unique green-field opportunity.
The three-pronged focus on broadband networks, affordable smartphones and the availability of rich content and applications has enabled Jio to create an integrated business strategy from the very beginning, and today, Jio is capable of offering a unique combination of telecom, high speed data, digital commerce, media and payment services.

A Vision That Touches All

 Reliance’s vision for India is that broadband and digital services will no longer be a luxury item. 
Rather, Reliance envisions an India where these are basic necessities to be consumed in abundance
 by consumers and small businesses alike, as much in far-flung villages as in our largest cities. 
The initiatives are truly aligned with the Government of India's ‘Digital India’ vision for our nation.
    Affordable Devices: Jio has worked with all the leading device manufacturers of the world to
     ensure availability of 4G LTE smartphones across all price points – from ultra-premium models
     on one hand, to entry level models on the other.
    Digital Currency: Jio envisions a new India which will use digital currency instead of paper money
     for a more secure and convenient way to transact. Jio Money, Jio’s digital currency and digital
     payments business, will play a crucial role in this by offering a platform for ubiquitous, affordable
     and secure digital payments.
    Jio Drive: Micro and small businesses will soon have access to cutting-edge cloud storage technologies
     which were once affordable to big companies only, giving them a new edge to compete on a global
     landscape. Jio Drive is an application that brings powerful cloud capabilities to every smartphone. 
    Using Jio Drive, anyone can store, sync and share any content between their own devices and also 
    with their friends.
    Digital Education: Teachers and students from far flung areas can connect with each other, 
  • crowd-source knowledge and adapt new age learning techniques and thus lift the level of education 
  • to a completely different plane.
    Digital Healthcare: Expert medical advice would be available anytime, anywhere - with medical 
    practitioners able to grow their practice without constraint, and provide quality of life to the crores 
    that make up our country.
    Digital Entertainment and social connectivity: Jio Chat is a powerful communication application
     that integrates chat, voice, video calling, conferencing, file sharing, photo sharing and much more. 
    Jio Play enables users to watch HD TV anytime, anywhere on any device, from hundreds of channels,
     across categories and languages. Jio Beats is a premier digital music streaming service that gives
     instant access to millions of songs and curated playlists. Jio Mags and Jio News provide access
     to the most popular collection of magazines and news from leading publishing houses across 
    multiple languages.
    Digital Entrepreneurship: Jio is building is a powerful platform on which a range of rich digital
    products and services can be enabled - digital currency, digital commerce, digital education, digital 
    healthcare, e-governance, Smart Cities, M2M and the Internet of Things. It does not matter whether
     these services are created by Jio itself, its ecosystem partners or anyone globally. Reliance is committed
     to the principles of Net Neutrality.

Laying the Foundation for the Future

Reliance Jio is creating the most extensive and future-proof network in India, and perhaps, in the world. 
It will provide next generation legacy-free digital services over an end-to-end all-IP network, which
 can be seamlessly upgraded even to 5G and beyond. In addition to the existing pan India 2300 M
Hz spectrum and 1800 MHz in 14 circles, Jio invested over Rs 10,000 crore during this year's auction
 to acquire 800 MHz spectrum in 10 circles and 1800 MHz spectrum in 6 circles. This brings the 
cumulative investment in spectrum assets to nearly Rs 34,000 crores. Jio now has the largest footprint
 of liberalized spectrum in the country, acquired in an extremely cost effective manner.
    Reliance Jio has laid more than 2.5 lakh kilometres of fibre-optic cables, covering 18,000 cities and
     over one lakh villages, with the aim of covering 100% of the nation’s population by 2018. It has an
     initial end-to-end capacity to serve in excess of 100 million wireless broadband and 20 million
     Fibre-to-Home customers. Reliance Jio has also built nearly half-a-million square feet of cloud data 
    centres and a multi-Terabit capacity international network.
The infrastructure is being built in partnership with some of the world’s most technologically 
advanced companies. Financial year 2016-17 will be the first full year of commercial operations.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

10 Biggest Technological Advancements for Healthcare in the Last Decade in India

The reach of technological innovation continues to grow, changing all industries as it evolves. In healthcare, technology is increasingly playing a role in almost all processes, from patient registration to data monitoring, from lab tests to self-care tools.
Devices like smartphones and tablets are starting to replace conventional monitoring and recording systems, and people are now given the option of undergoing a full consultation in the privacy of their own homes. Technological advancements in healthcare have contributed to services being taken out of the confines of hospital walls and integrating them with user-friendly, accessible devices.
The following are ten technological advancements in healthcare that have emerged over the last ten years.

1. The electronic health record.
In 2009, only 16 percent of U.S. hospitals were using an EHR. By 2013, about 80 percent of hospitals eligible for CMS' meaningful use incentives program had incorporated an EHR into their organizations. "For such a long time we had such disparate systems, meaning you had one system that did pharmacy, one did orders, one that did documentation," says Jeff Sturman, partner at Franklin, Tenn.-based Cumberland Consulting Group. "Integrating these systems into a single platform, or at least a more structured platform, has allowed more integrated and efficient care for patients," he says.
While the EHR has already created big strides in the centralization and efficiency of patient information, it can also be used as a data and population health tool for the future. "There's going to be a big cultural shift over the next several years of data-driven medicine," says Waco Hoover, CEO of the Institute for Health Technology Transformation in New York. "Historically, that hasn't been a big part of how medicine is practiced. Physicians go to medical school and residencies, but each organization has its own unique ways they do things. That's one of the reasons we see varied care all over the country. When data is what we're making decisions off of, that's going to change and improve outcomes of the consistency of medicine delivered."
2. mHealth.
Mobile health is freeing healthcare devices of wires and cords and enabling physicians and patients alike to check on healthcare processes on-the-go. An R&R Market Research report estimates the global mHealth market will reach $20.7 billion by 2019, indicating it is only becoming bigger and more prevalent. Smartphones and tablets allow healthcare providers to more freely access and send information. Physicians and service providers can use mHealth tools for orders, documentation and simply to reach more information when with patients, Mr. Sturman says.
However, mHealth is not only about wireless connectivity. It has also become a tool that allows patients to become active players in their treatment by connecting communication with biometrics, says Gopal Chopra, MD, CEO of PINGMD, and associate professor at Duke University Fuqua School of Business in Durham, N.C. "Now I can make my bathroom scale wireless. I can make my blood pressure mount wireless. I can take an EKG and put it to my smartphone and transfer that wirelessly," he says. "mHealth has the opportunity to take healthcare monitoring out of the office, out of the lab and basically as a part of your life."

3. Telemedicine/telehealth.
Studies consistently show the benefit of telehealth, especially in rural settings that do not have access to the same resources metropolitan areas may have. A large-scale study published in CHEST Journal shows patients in an intensive care unit equipped with telehealth services were discharged from the ICU 20 percent more quickly and saw a 26 percent lower mortality rate than patients in a regular ICU. Adam Higman, vice president of Soyring Consulting in St. Petersburg, Fla., says while telemedicine is not necessarily a new development, it is a growing field, and its scope of possibility is expanding.  
The cost benefits of telehealth can't be ignored either, Mr. Hoover says. For example, Indianapolis-based health insurer WellPoint rolled out a video consultation program in February 2013 where patients can receive a full assessment through a video chat with a physician. Claims are automatically generated, but the fees are reduced to factor out traditional office costs. Setting the actual healthcare cost aside, Mr. Hoover says these telemedicine clinics will also reduce time out of office costs for employees and employers by eliminating the need to leave work to go to a primary care office.

4. Portal technology. 
Patients are increasingly becoming active players in their own healthcare, and portal technology is one tool helping them to do so. Portal technology allows physicians and patients to access medical records and interact online. Mr. Sturman says this type of technology allows patients to become more closely involved and better educated about their care. In addition to increasing access and availability of medical information, Mr. Hoover adds that portal technology can be a source of empowerment and responsibility for patients. "It's powerful because a patient can be an extraordinary ally in their care. They catch errors," he says. "It empowers the patient and adds a degree of power in care where they can become an active participant."

5. Self-service kiosks. 
Similar to portal technology, self-service kiosks can help expedite processes like hospital registration. "Patients can increasingly do everything related to registration without having to talk to anyone," Mr. Higman says. "This can help with staffing savings, and some patients are more comfortable with it." Automated kiosks can assist patients with paying co-pays, checking identification, signing paperwork and other registration requirements. Mr. Higman says there are also tablet variations that allow the same technology to be used in outpatient and bedside settings. However, hospitals need to be cautious when integrating it to ensure human to human communication is not entirely eliminated. "If a person wants to speak to a person, they should be able to speak with a person," he says.

6. Remote monitoring tools. 
At the end of 2012, 2.8 million patients worldwide were using a home monitoring system, according to a Research and Markets report. Monitoring patients' health at home can reduce costs and unnecessary visits to a physician's office. Mr. Higman offers the example of a cardiac cast with a pacemaker automatically transmitting data to a remote center. "If there's something wrong for a patient, they can be contacted," he says. "It's basically allowing other people to monitor your health for you. It may sound invasive but is great for patients with serious and chronic illnesses."
An article by Kaiser Health News, National Public Radio and Minnesota Public Radio discussed the effects a home monitoring system had on readmission rates for heart disease patients at Duluth, Minn.-based Essentia Health. The national average rate of readmissions for patients with heart disease is 25 percent, but after Essentia Health implemented a home monitoring system, the rates of readmission for their heart disease patients fell to a mere two percent. And now that hospitals are being financially penalized for readmissions, home monitoring systems may offer a solution to avoid those penalties.

7. Sensors and wearable technology. 
The wearable medical device market is growing at a compound annual growth rate of 16.4 percent a year, according to a Transparency Market Research report. Wearable medical devices and sensors are simply another way to collect data, which Dr. Chopra says is one of the aims and purposes of healthcare. He says sensors and wearable technology could be as simple as an alert sent to a care provider when a patient falls down or a bandage that can detect skin pH levels to tell if a cut is getting infected. "Anything we are currently using where a smart sensor could be is part of that solution," Dr. Chopra says. "We're able to take a lot of these data points to see if something abnormal is happening."

8. Wireless communication. 
While instant messaging and walkie-talkies aren't new technologies themselves, they have only recently been introduced into the hospital setting, replacing devices like beepers and overhead pagers. "Hospitals are catching up to the 21st century with staff communicating to one another," Mr. Higman says, adding that internal communication advancements in hospitals followed a slower development timeline since they had to account for security and HIPAA concerns.
Systems like Vocera Messaging offer platforms for users to send secure messages like lab tests and alerts to one another using smartphones, web-based consoles or third-party clinical systems. These messaging systems can expedite the communication process while still tracking and logging sent and received information in a secure manner.

9. Real-time locating services. 
Another growing data monitoring tool, real-time locating services, are helping hospitals focus on efficiency and instantly identify problem areas. Hospitals can implement tracking systems for instruments, devices and even clinical staff. Mr. Higman says these services gather data on areas and departments that previously were difficult to track. "Retrospective analysis can only go so far, particularly in places constantly changing like emergency departments," he says, but tracking movement with a real-time locating service can highlight potential issues in efficiency and utilization.
These tools also allow flexibility for last minute changes. "If [a physician has] an add-on case today, do they have instruments on hand, and where are [the instruments]?" he asks. At the most basic level, these services can ensure equipment and supplies aren't leaving the building, and for high-cost equipment and supplies of which hospitals may only have one or a few, being able to track their location can help verify its utilization, he says.

10. Pharmacogenomics/genome sequencing. 
 Personalized medicine continues to edge closer to the forefront of the healthcare industry. Tailoring treatment plans to individuals and anticipating the onset of certain diseases offers promising benefits for healthcare efficiency and diagnostic accuracy. Pharmacogenomics in particular could help reduce the billions of dollars in excess healthcare spending due to adverse drug events, misdiagnoses, readmissions and other unnecessary costs.
Before a full-fledged system of pharmacogenomics comes to fruition, the healthcare industry needs a tool that can aggregate and analyze all the big data and digital health information, Mr. Hoover says. "When we really start to have the ability to study a lot of that data, it's going to transfer how we match up that information at the population, individual and macro levels," he says. "The ability to actually compare that information is going to be valuable as we move forward, making sure medications we are taking are going to work for us."
Tools for big data analysis for pharmacogenomics are still being developed, but data analytics and data aggregation for the purpose of population health may be the next big advancement on the horizon. "Understanding and connecting all these variables is going to be profound as it relates to moving forward in healthcare and designing interventions and analyzing patient populations and ultimately improving the lives and health of the American population," Mr. Hoover says.

Friday 11 December 2015

Friday 13 November 2015

Digital India has the VISION:

Digital India has the VISION:

Infrastructure as a utility to every citizen:
High speed internet shall be made available in all gram panchayats; Cradle to grave digital identity; Mobile and Bank account would enable participation in digital and financial space at individual level; Easy access to common service centre within their locality; Shareable private space on a public cloud; and Safe and secure cyber space in the country.

Infrastructure as a utility to every citizen:
High speed internet shall be made available in all gram panchayats; Cradle to grave digital identity; Mobile and Bank account would enable participation in digital and financial space at individual level; Easy access to common service centre within their locality; Shareable private space on a public cloud; and Safe and secure cyber space in the country.

Governance and Services on Demand:
Single window access to all persons by seamlessly integrating departments or jurisdictions; availability of government services in online and mobile platforms; All citizen entitlements to be available on the Cloud to ensure easy access; Government services to be digitally transformed for improving ease of doing business; Making financial transactions above a threshold, electronic and cashless; and Leveraging GIS for decision support systems and development.

Digital empowerment of citizens:
Universal digital literacy; All digital resources universally accessible; All government documents/certificates to be available on the Cloud; Availability of digital resources/services in Indian languages; Collaborative digital platforms for participative governance; Portability of all entitlements for individuals through the cloud.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Our 9 Pillars

Our 9 Pillars

Pillar 1. Broadband Highways

Pillar 2. Universal Access to Mobile connectivity

Pillar 2. Universal Access to Mobile connectivity 

Pillar 3. Public Internet Access Programme – National Rural Internet Mission

Pillar 3. Public Internet Access Programme – National Rural Internet Mission 
  • Government Business Process Re-engineering using IT to improve transactions
    • Form Simplification, reduction
    • Online applications and tracking, Interface between departments
    • Use of online repositories e.g. school certificates, voter ID cards, etc.
    • Integration of services and platforms – UIDAI, Payment Gateway, Mobile Platform, EDI
  • Electronic Databases – all databases and information to be electronic, not manual
  • Workflow automation inside government
  • Public Grievance Redressal - using IT to automate, respond, analyse data to identify and resolve persistent problems – largely process improvements
  • To be implemented across government - critical for transformation

Technology for Education – e-Education

  • All Schools connected with broadband
  • Free wifi in all schools (250,000)
  • Digital Literacy program
  • MOOCs – develop pilot Massive Online Open Courses

Technology for Health – e-Healthcare

  • Online medical consultation
  • Online medical records
  • Online medicine supply
  • Pan-India exchange for patient information
  • Pilots – 2015; Full coverage in 3 years

Technology for Planning

  • GIS based decision making
  • National GIS Mission Mode Project

Technology for Farmers

  • Real time price information
  • Online ordering of inputs
  • Online cash, loan, relief payment with mobile banking

Technology for Security

  • Mobile Emergency Services

Technology for Financial Inclusion

  • Mobile Banking
  • Micro-ATM program
  • CSCs/ Post Offices

Technology for Justice & Security

  • e-Courts, e-Police, e-Jails, e-Prosecution
  • National Cyber Security Co-ordination Center

  • Online Hosting of Information & documents
    • Citizens have open, easy access to information
    • Open data platform
  • Government pro-actively engages through social media and web based platforms to inform citizens
    • 2-way communication between citizens and government
  • Online messaging to citizens on special occasions/programs
  • Largely utilise existing infrastructure – limited additional resources needed                                

Pillar 7. Electronics Manufacturing

  • Target NET ZERO Imports is a striking demonstration of intent
    • Ambitious goal which requires coordinated action on many fronts
    • Taxation, Incentives
    • Economies of Scale, Eliminate cost disadvantages
    • Focused areas – Big Ticket Items
      • FABS, Fab-less design, Set top boxes, VSATs, Mobiles, Consumer & Medical Electronics, Smart Energy meters, Smart cards, micro-ATMs
    • Incubators, clusters
    • Skill development
    • Government procurement
  • There are many ongoing programs which will be fine-tuned.
  • Existing Structures inadequate to handle this goal. Need strengthening
Pillar 8. IT for Jobs 

Pillar 9. Early Harvest Programmes

Pillar 9. Early Harvest Programmes

What is Digital India ?

Digital India is a Programme to prepare India for a knowledge future. Hon'ble Shri Narender Modi, Prime Minsiter of India has laid emphasis on National e- governance plan and has gave it’s approval for Digital India – A programme to transform India into digital empowered society and knowledge economy.

Digital India is an ambitious programme of Government of India projected at Rs 1,13,000 crores. This will be for preparing the India for the knowledge based transformation and delivering good governance to citizens by synchronized and co-ordinated engagement with both Central Government and State Government.

This programme has been envisaged by Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) and will impact ministry of communications & IT, ministry of rural development, ministry of human resource development, ministry of health and others. This programme will also benefit all states and union territories. The existing/ ongoing e-Governance initiatives would be revamped to align them with the principles of Digital India. The vision of Digital India is to transform the country into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. It would ensure that government services are available to citizens electronically. It would also bring in public accountability through mandated delivery of government’s services electronically.

The Digital India vision provides the intensified impetus for further momentum and progress for e-Governance and would promote inclusive growth that covers electronic services, products, devices, manufacturing and job opportunities.

Digital infrastructure will focus on providing high speed secure Internet. Governance and services on demand will stress on integrating services across departments and jurisdictions and making services available in real time for both online and mobile platform.

Digital empowerment of citizens will pay emphasis on universal digital literacy and availability of digital resources/services in Indian languages.

The programme will be implemented in phases from 2014 till 2018. The source of funding for most of the e-Governance projects at present is through budgetary provisions of respective ministries/departments in the central or state governments. Requirements of funds for individual project(s) for Digital India will be worked out by respective nodal ministries/departments but according to government estimate it will cost Rs 113,000 crore. To implement this the government is planning to strengthen National Informatics Center (NIC) by restructuring it to support all central government departments and state governments. Positions of chief information officers (CIO) would be created in at least 10 key ministries so that e-Governance projects could be designed, developed and implemented faster.

Apart from this, the DeitY would create four senior positions within the department for managing the programme say additional secretary, Digital India; joint secretary, infrastructure development; joint secretary, capacity building and digital enablement; and joint secretary, IT applications in uncovered areas & process re-engineering. 

Government Initiative

Digital India

A programme to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy









What is Digital India?

Digital India is a Programmeto prepare India for a knowledge future.
The focus is on being transformative–to realize IT + IT = IT
The focus is on making technology central to enabling change.
It is an Umbrella Programme–covering many departments.
It weaves together a large number of ideas and thoughts into a single, comprehensive vision so that each of them is seen as part of a larger goal.
Each individual element stands on its own. But is also part of the larger picture.
It is coordinated by DeitY, implemented by the entire government.
The weaving together makes the Mission transformative in totality
The Programme:
Pulls together many existing schemes.
These schemes will be restructured and re-focused.
They will be implemented in a synchronized manner.
Many elements are only process improvements with minimal cost.
The common branding of programmesas Digital India highlights their transformative impact.

Vision of Digital India

Centered on 3 Key Areas
•Digital Infrastructure as a Utility to Every Citizen
•Governance & Services on Demand
•Digital Empowerment of Citizens

Vision Area 1: Infrastructure as a Utility to Every Citizen

•High speed internet as a core utility
•Cradle to grave digital identity -unique, lifelong, online, authenticable
•Mobile phone & Bank account enabling participation in digital & financial space
•Easy access to a Common Service Centre
•Shareable private space on a public cloud
•Safe and secure Cyber-space

Vision Area 2: Governance & Services On Demand

Seamlessly integrated across departments or jurisdictions
•Services available in real time from online &mobile platform
•All citizen entitlements to be available on the cloud
•Services digitally transformed for improving Ease of Doing Business
•Making financial transactions electronic & cashless
•Leveraging GIS for decision support systems & development

Vision Area 3: Digital Empowerment of Citizens

Universal Digital Literacy
•Universally accessible digital resources
•All documents/ certificates to be available on cloud
•Availability of digital resources / services in Indian languages
•Collaborative digital platforms for participative governance
•Portabilityof all entitlements through cloud